Saturday, January 12, 2013

Birds of a Feather started

Well I did a bit of prep and pretty happy so far
Don`t forget there is some piecing that will pull all these together
got on a roll and
got all the way to block 3 prepped and ready
tomorrow after work and then the gym (yes I said gym) I will prep my Sally Post and my next Love Letters. I have the pieces cut just have to pick the fabric…Don`t even think I am going to post of my quilt room right now
Fabric is just piled everywhere but there was still room to have my friend Mary over she is crocheting a lacy scarf with some wonderful wool and she has family visiting. We are flying to Rosemarie`s house at the end of Feb for a couple of days.
It will be great for both of us to get away to our friends retreat, up north in the hopefully by then deep snow.  I will have lots of applique to bring while I am up there.


  1. This is a beautiful beginning! Can't wait to see your progress.

  2. Debra, your Birds of a Feather block are so pretty. I made the quilt is red and green it was a fun sew.

  3. That is going to be gorgeous when it's done!

  4. I love your Birds of a Feather! You always do such fantastic patterns. Where do you get them? I am trying to figure out how to get around the yahoo group site. I can't seem to see any of the photos. I have no idea what I am doing wrong.

  5. looks like you will stay busy! :0)

  6. I would like to know more about this beautiful applique pattern! Thank YOU!

  7. When you two come up here, I'll be oohing and aahing over your projects! The snow is starting to melt a bit, but I'm sure that there will be lots more to come before you arrive.

  8. looking good... your blocks are fantastic... your retreat sounds great.. hope you get lots done

  9. I like the fabrics you are using in your blocks. I think the blocks I have ready for applique are pretty much in reds.

  10. Your Birds of Feather work looks wonderful! I love this pattern!

  11. well done! I am almost finished block 1, love your touch of blue.


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