Saturday, December 17, 2022

finally in the spirit

I have our tree up with some handmade trinkets and the tree skirt I made many years ago the birds were from before my time with DH so I put them on for remembrance for him they are old. 
I have someone that is trying to deter me from working on my next project the fabric she is languishing on is what I need next oh well I have have to wait. 
this is the other finish I of the Holly and Berry's that was published by Pam Buda I love these monthly little quilt patterns from her Archaeology series. 
I also have another top done from the 10 partial quilts completed by another quilter. I love the fabrics on this one and it will be fun to quilt. The tops are seriously starting to pile up. 
Pictured below are the girls watching me work on this project they make a great audience Meara first and then Kiera. They really are such good Kit Kit's 

Take time to have some holiday fun quilting I hope it goes fast so that life can get back to normal again. I am not used to the holidays normally I work it is strange...


  1. I love seeing your quilts, Deb....they are always so beautiful!

  2. I love seeing all the quilts..... some lovely Christmas things there..... how quickly the quilt tops pile up don't they...


visitors with a spare moment said...