had so much fun when she was done at the beginning of Sept.. She bought this beautiful Hydrangea fabric when we were in http://www.quiltersblock.ca/ to go with the fabric we got a beautiful minty green and this wonderful pink fabric. The pink fabric is a finger painting design all over it.. the texture is wonderful!!
Well we took 2 days and got it all done except for the boarders. I had suggested a raspberry color around the boarder just a sliver and then she is going to put the hydrangea fabric around again... These are mom's colors.. this quilt is really her!! and what makes it most fun is that Mom loves it!! you will see the happy quilter pic below!!
The quilt is picture on its side cause of the design wall.. I need bigger walls. This pattern was from Quiltmaker Nov/Dec 02 (you would not believe what we had to go through to find it!)
I had made a quilt like this with beige colors and mom loved the pattern it is great for those thathave fabrics they don't like to cut up.
Well I hope you like the little adventure that I have posted... there is alot more to catch up on but I know you all have your own sewing to do and I want to post my Sally Post blocks that I have started... that is on http://www.sentimentalstiches.net/ there is another excellent site.
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