this one she had half her blocks laid up but was not crazy.. the teacher (me) had her take them all down and put them in the "color" piles she thought they should go in and then we worked together to lay them out and this is what we came with.. there were about 5 blocks out of them all we didn't use..
the one below had more color selection to put in the design.. now this person set her blocks on the wall the night before and of course she was not happy with the results. We did the same as above and put them in their respective "color" piles.. now this lady wanted to also think outside the box and do a "not so square shape" she will have both sides with jutting blocks to make it look like they should be linked together like a puzzle this also helped with the itty bit of purple blocks and where to place them. This was not the finished product but during the thought process. We got to where she was very happy.. and that is the whole point of teaching to me.. satisify the students and helping them understand the process of "how too's"
this last one.. I have saved for last.. this came in just pretty well the way it is displayed.. she done an exceptional job on what we were trying to accomplish in our session together. She picked the perfect fabric 3 -4 colors max counting your background and it is so much easier to place your blocks. We are putting a tripe boarder with orange fusion and a wonderful "burgundy mottled batik" the quilt will be flipped so that she has a running tail into the boarder.
So as you can see it was a wonderful way to spend on National quilters day.. oh by the way I had brought in my design wall and they loved it so much I laughed they all came trucking in with their own and now say how did we ever quilt without it.
All it is insulation board cut in half, batting and clear duct tape (I call it ladies duct tape) tape both halves together like a book so you can fold and put away for later.
Well I hope everyone was able to celebrate like I did in some way.. let me know what you have done to celebrate your passion.
Thanks for visiting..