Saturday, December 3, 2022

forgotten show and share

This was a fun bag to make and easy we had it as a workshop on our guild meeting in Oct
The person that was responsible for the workshop also made these cute labels for each person that attended how nice was that?
As you see it became a multipurpose bag Kiera found a better use then putting stuff in it. The bag is big enough to fit a queen quilt quite comfortably I am going to make a bunch for mom's quilting group so they can carry in their quilts they want to quilt and are finished. 
Meara has this favorite spot its her dad's chair in the kitchen I know the sun shines there in the mornings and it knocks her out...not pleased with me in picture interruptions I see. 
I have not been quilting this one lost the ambition at the moment but have 3 sides done in the new year I have to remark it in some areas the white pencil does rub faintly hard for the old eyes to see. 

 On the whole we still have had fantastic weather its perfect fall weather time for the gardens to be put to bed and raking, more raking and more raking! soon hopefully soon we will be able to stitch our days way from the cold. 


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