The twister above is for a challenge that I am in we got the fabrics in the middle and I had to make something. That twister is so much fun! I don`t machine quilt but used my stylised stitches and quilted it that way. Found this done on another blog long ago and thought it was a great idea! Sorry I cannot remember which one.
Own up if it was you!! I have to say thanks!
Still hand quilting this but almost done there is 1/2in grid quilting here so it is taking time
Also got my blocks back from a repro swap that I was in I am going to have them like this and then put in an applique boarder in between the mini quilt and the signed blocks
Today out gardening and rearranging some things. I bought 2 more different Oakleaf Hydrangeas the one on the left is a Star and will grow about 8feet the other one slipped my mind but it will grow about 3ft, this was the raspberry area they are now all gone!
Bought day lilies and added them, some like shade some like sun and some will flower in June some in Sept, I am trying to plan it so there are flowers all through the season, also split one of my hostas…yes all these are just from one of the plants.
more of the garden
I got 20 Rose of Sharon`s from a yahoo site called Freecycle Toronto and there are some on the back part of the fence behind the Oakleaf Hydrangeas but these are going along my driveway that are left I want a wall of flowers!
here is a view of the garden, we really trimmed up the Red Bud Tree…it really doesn`t look like much but really it was a lot of work. we are tearing down the fence since we don`t have the pool anymore it will really open the yard up
now for the rain dance need a few good days of rain, I read one blog where they are in Norway and getting lots of rain….to bad we could not grab some of it…
Safe week for you all.