Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Full weekend -photo heavy

Party on Lake Ontario this was our view the Weather was perfect
 We had an eventful weekend Mom came to visit and in that we were extremely busy.
Mom petting one of the sheep
 We visited the Oldest Pioneer village in Canada Black Creek Pioneer Village. They have their Annual out door quilt show, that is sponsored but a group of hard working quilters/volunteers that put the quilts up and down for the 2 day duration.
This may be the last year if they don't have a volunteer to spearhead the event. Today we got to enjoy it. This was the first one that my mother attended. Usually I go with my friend Rose Marie of Applique n' Patches she was not able to attend this year, Friend you were missed.

I can show you some of the quilts and will post more later.

Loved this idea for growing herbs 

loved the Polaroid quilt! 

gorgeous applique

still waiting to make this one loved it. 

Loved her idea of putting the chimney's together

very elegant 

dimensional plans unique idea! lots of work! 

still on of my favorite patterns love this rendition.

Well that is it for now the weather was perfect we went to a BBQ later in the Mimico area right on the lakefront and you can see the view we had. There was a great live band in the back yard and lots of people with excellent food choices it was well organized with a bar and dancing as well. Like I said it was a full day!


  1. The Black Creek Village show looks amazing......all beautiful quilts, and I really love the row houses! A million dollar view, for sure.

  2. Sorry to have missed the show, but glad you enjoyed it! So far, the quilt photos are gorgeous!

  3. It looks like a nice community show. I hope it will continue.


visitors with a spare moment said...